Richmond, VA – What do you get when you take some beer, add a little Celt, with a dash of attitude? Flogging Molly of course, as they invaded The National in Richmond, VA on February 15, 2023. Did I say they brought a little attitude? I meant to say, a lot of attitude!! What a night!
What was great about this evening was the lineup. The opening bands included Skinny Lister (Britain) and Anti-Flag (Pittsburg), both known to be a little punky themselves.

Skinny Lister took the stage by storm, opening with “Wanted“. We were also introduced to a new song, “Down on the Barrier“. Now I will say, I am often used to the opening bands easing us into the headliner. From the very beginning the night was high energy music! I could tell this old man was going to be exhausted at the end.
Up next was Anti-Flag. Again, super high energy music, just a slightly (lot) different theme. They opened with “The Fight of Our Lives” and took us all the way to the “Brandenburg Gate“. They were a little more hardcore! A little moshing and crowd surfing was on the menu. When one surfer was dropped, however, the band stopped playing until she was helped out and resumed.

It was then time for the epitome of a little Irish Folkish Punk!! Lead vocalist, Dave King, took the stage with fingers simulating devil horns. It was obvious we were in for one hell of a show. Rounding out the band there was Dennis Casey (guitar), Matt Hensley (accordion), Nathen Maxwell (bass), Spencer Swain (mandolin / banjo), and Mike Alonso (drums). Bridget Regan (violin) was absent from the stage (we found out later that she injured her shoulder and would be sidelined for a few weeks… here’s wishing her a quick recovery!!).
They opened with a lively “The Likes of You Again“. It was almost like they were talking to us, never wanting to see us again to the extreme joy of an already energized audience. While I could not see too far back, the security presence in the pit told me that it was likely the moshing had already begun and the possibility of a stray crowd surfer was anticipated!

Now, if you have never experienced Celtic punk, you need to add it to your bucket list. Fast paced, head banging music with an Irish twist. Tap me a slightly chilled Guinness (from a bottle or a can it would be blasphemous) and feel me “Swagger” to the sound. There was no better way to lead us down “The Kilburn High Road“.
“A Song of Liberty” was quite an inspiring song as it honors those who have sacrificed all so that we can be free. They put together an powerful video discussing the song with the Ukrainian Mad Twins. Interesting fact, the music video was created by The Mad Twins in Ukraine in 2022.
I will be honest, based on reaction to the first two bands, I did expect a little moshing and surfing. At least through “The Hand of John L. Sullivan“, I did not catch much of that activity. What we did get was a little impressive swaying and dancing by the audience… while they were singing along. Could they be giving up the surfing and moshing for crowd vocals? Say it isn’t so!! The power of music!!

The Irish are known for drinking songs. “No Last Goodbyes” and “Drunken Lullabies” (and many of the others) fit the bill quite well. There we were, nearly 1500 fans, standing alone together, loving the music, and raising our glasses! When you are alone together, one raise one glass for yourself and the other for those you are alone with!
A few songs later, Dave picked up a bodhrán (traditional Irish Drum) and had us all moving to “The Croppy Boy ’98“. With “Float“, things got a little more serious. No one wanted to sink the boat that was built to keep afloat. Check out the video in the link!
Have you ever heard 1500 pairs of hands Celtic clapping to a drinking song? If so, you were probably listening to “Seven Deadly Sins“. One thing is certain, it is not easy to clap and raise a beer, but The National audience proved that anything is possible if one puts their mind to it. What was fun about this song is it had a little pirate sound with a lot of Irish flare.
After a little more drinking music they did a wee sing along with a song dedicated to all, “If I Ever Leave This World Alive” followed by “What’s Left of the Flag” (talk about the perfect song to bring the show to a climax).
With that, they got a huge standing O!!! The encore included “Black Friday Rule” and “Salty Dog“. Now I could say this was it, but it was not. In traditional Molly fashion, they ended the night with one of my faves, “Always Look on the Bright Side of Life”, a Monty Python favorite. The band and audience all but joined hands to send us off in the best possible way. It was a great night!!
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The Likes of You Again
The Kilburn High Road
A Song of Liberty
The Hand of John L. Sullivan
No Last Goodbyes
Drunken Lullabies
Tobacco Island
The Croppy Boy ’98
Life Begins and Ends (but Never Fails)
Crushed (Hostile Nations)
Seven Deadly Sins
These Times Have Got Me Drinking / Tripping Up the Stairs
If I Ever Leave This World Alive
What’s Left of the Flag
Black Friday Rule
Salty Dog
Always Look on the Bright Side of Life
Show Date: February 15, 2023