Submitting Policy

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Album Submitting Policy:

  • The album should be a LP (Long Play). Digital Beat Magazine may consider review of albums that are considered EP (Extended Play).
  • The album must be accompanied with album playlist or tracklist (if possible), a bio of the band, information about where the album was recorded, the engineer who recorded the album, the producer of the album and any additional information needed for review.
    Please note: When sending documents to Digital Beat Magazine, please send documents that will be a review in PDF format. Word documents will not be opened.
  • We ask that the release date for the album not be older than one month. Any album that is submitted to Digital Beat Magazine older than a month may not be considered for review. 
  • Include a file folder with MP3 files containing the song that Digital Beat Magazine will be reviewing. This file will be included in the compressed file that is sent to DBM
  • Files may be in a compressed file (a zip file) or link to the album.
  • This policy may change without notice.

Please note: Any files and material sent to Digital Beat Magazine will become the property of Digital Beat Magazine.

To have an album reviewed by Digital Beat Magazine, please send the album (with any other materials need to review that album) to Please put “Album Review Request” in the subject line of the email.