The Indigo Girls and Melissa Etheridge Rally Followers at Wolf Trap

Melissa Etheridge and the Indigo Girls at Wolf Trap in Vienna, VA on August 24, 2024. Photo credit: Dave Pearson

Vienna, VA – They say there is power in numbers and that 2 is better than 1. That was definitely the case on August 24 2024, at Wolf Trap in Vienna, VA as the near sold out audience was treated to two stellar headliners, Indigo Girls followed by Melissa Etheridge. 

Going into the night, I was not all that familiar with the Indigo Girls and more familiar with Melissa Etheridge as her hard hitting countryish, rock folk and raspy voice had graced my radio for years. I admit, I half expected a relatively low key, folky performance by both. What I got blew my socks off. 

If you have never been to Wolf Trap, it is a National Park with a Performing Arts focus. The Filene Center is the bigger venue and includes a large covered stage and seating area with an expansive lawn area. Given the activity on the lawn shortly after gates opened, it was clear it was going to be an awesome night!

The Filene Center Lawn about an hour before showtime on 8/24/2024. Photo credit: Dave Pearson

The Indigo Girls, Amy Ray and Emily Saliers took the stage to a standing roar. Within seconds my thought of the quiet folk rock night was put aside. WOW!! Opening with “Shame on You“, Filene melodic rally had begun. 

The fan adoration was clear from the start as they got a standing cheer going into and finishing almost every song. I guess that shows the “Power of Two“. Between the standing, sitting, and dancing in their seats, the fans around us were getting quite a workout. Other songs included “Pendulum Swinger” and “Tether” before we were introduced to Lucy Wainwright Roche who performed her single, “Soft Line“. If I understood their relationship correctly, it started out with chocolate. All relationships should start with chocolate! Lucy also thought they had the best shirts. For the full story you have to go to a rally yourself. 

I did expect a touch of political activism at the show and that is what we got… just a touch. In a quick anecdotal comment, Emily commented on how she had a vision as she passed the Whitehouse. That drew yet another standing roar and a few laughs as well. 

Throughout the set, they paid tribute to the teachers and librarians, talked of dreams that were Sara Lee’s, a musician who played with them early in their career. Amy treated us to the story and solo performance of “Joy Train“. 

After a high energy sing along to “Galileo“, Melissa joined them for their last 2 songs, “Kid Fears” and “Closer to Fine“. It was a great end to a great… and exhausting set. I was exhausted just watching and living the audience reaction and was not sure if I would have the stamina to finish out the night. 

Indigo Girls’ Gallery

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My fear of running out of energy to finish off the rally did not last long. Melissa Etheridge emerged in a powerful manner and turned the amp to 12 with “Must Be Crazy for Me“. It was going to get powerfully crazy! There was a bit of a difference in stage presence between the two bands. The Indigo Girls were a bit more subdued with a high energy audience. Melissa, on the other hand, came to the stage with the energy to kick ass and the audience had just as much energy. It was amazing how the styles complimented each other.

The Indigo Girls returned the stage appearance favor and joined Melissa in, “You Can Sleep While I Drive” before we learned she made some bad decisions in the 90s leading into “I Want to Come Over“. 

Talking about bad decisions that sent her back to Kansas after dropping out of school, Melissa put her guitar aside and sat at the piano for “Nowhere to Go“. A little power glitch cause the keys to go silent. She pointed out it was not a real piano!! 

Of course, every singer / songwriter needs to play the harmonica and Melissa was no exception. If you catch a show, take a listen to how she learned the harp and wrote “Royal Station 4/16“. 

The Indigo Girls had a pretty strong sing along. Could Melissa outdo them with “A Burning Woman“? This song was inspired by a performance by Johnny Cash at a local prison many years ago. It inspired Melissa so much she filmed such a performance herself and wrote this song for it  to inspire those who needed inspiration while serving time. This was pure power. Did this beat The Indigo Girls? It was a draw! As with the Indigo Girls, the energy was over the top! 

Melissa Etheridge Gallery

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The final songs of the night were those still etched in my mind from long road trips in my radical youth. With the escalating energy with each tune, “Come to My Window“, “Bring Me Some Water“, and “I’m the Only One“, one can well imagine the ovation leading to the encore, “Like the Way I Do“. The rally was over, but the power of the night will live on. Sadly, there is only one more stop on their tour together, that being in Shelbyville, DE on August 28. Check them out if you are within range, it will be worth the drive! 

Indigo Girls Setlist 

Shame on You
Power of Two
Scooter Boys
Pendulum Swinger
Shed Your Skin
I’ll Change
Least Complicated
Soft Line (Lucy Wainwright Roche)
Get Out the Map
Joy Train
Look Long
Kid Fears
Closer to Fine

Melissa Etheridge Setlist 

Must Be Crazy for Me
If I Wanted To
You Can Sleep While I Drive
I Want to Come Over
Nowhere to Go
Royal Station 4/16
Chrome Plated Heart
A Burning Woman
Come to My Window
Bring Me Some Water
I’m the Only One

Like the Way I Do

Show Date: August 24 2024

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Dave Pearson
Dave Pearson is based out of Richmond, VA by way of Hayward, WI. He has long had a passion for music. Growing up in rural Wisconsin, he rocked out to the likes of Barry Manilow, Neil Diamond, and The Lettermen. Then, one Saturday night, being the rebel he was born to be, he caught an Alice Cooper interview (it may have been on The Midnight Special) and saw him perform, “Welcome to My Nightmare”. Dave was hooked on Rock and Roll (and many other genres as well). Dave has enjoyed (amateur) photography to some degree most of his adult life. Recently Dave started to apply his event photography skills in various music settings with success. He finds that photographing a performance gives him a much greater appreciation for the artist.