Chesapeake, VA – One of the sickest shows to come to Hampton Roads this year with a stellar lineup including Baltimore, Maryland’s death metal bands Visceral Disgorge and Bound by the Grave, Cleveland, Ohio’s death metal three piece Inoculation, Atlanta, Georgia’s thrashers Pure Death, North Carolina’s black metal band Angel Massacre and death metal outfit Krvsade, Richmond, Virginia’s simian grindcore band Bananaslama, and local support from Hampton Roads bands Yeet Cleaver, Serpentshrine, Gutted Christ and Fupa Goddess.

The idea behind Something Dead In The Water (SDITW) started with Michael Tepper, the guitarist and vocalist of the death metal band Gutted Christ. At first it was a joke, spoofing Pharrell Williams’ Something In The Water festival until Mike decided to build an event around SDITW that metalheads could appreciate rather than the hip-hop based Something In The Water festival brought to Virginia Beach. The original event was scheduled for June 20, 2020 and unfortunately, the pandemic changed all that.

Mike with support from Just The Tep Productions and Wargoat Entertainment decided to bring back SDITW with a new, sicker lineup of death and black metal with some slam thrown in for good measure. To give the festival a “day at the beach” feeling, beach attire was encouraged along with a special drink created just for SDITW called “The Bloated Body” and pool toys were found near the stage. The toys were used by a number of people along with the usual moshing and hardcore dancing. Watching the pit from the sidelines was one of the most unique things I have ever witnessed at a metal show.
Added at the last minute, Fupa Goddess kicked off the party with a short set songs. Until this show I had never heard of them, they describe themselves as “a grind, gore, mince, metal, porno, slam, cyber, noise band from Virginia Beach.” For me the jury is still out on Fupa Goddess, but others in the crowd enjoyed them.
It has been a little over a year since I last saw my friends in Yeet Cleaver tear it up live. Bringing the slam to Riffhouse, they played an energetic set that kept the crowd moving. If you haven’t seen Yeet Cleaver, what are you waiting for?
Facebook|InstagramYeet Cleaver SETLIST
Murpheys flaw
One More for the Toothjar
We Get It you Gape
Hideous Malformation of Amalgamated Liquefied Carapace
Smart Monke
Pure Death traveled from Atlanta without their drummer to bring the thrash, only to have the power go out during their set. I was starting to get into these guys when Riffhouse went dark. If you get a chance to see these guys, check them out.
Not everything was doom and gloom while the power was out, some found ways to have fun while power was being restored.

Once the power was restored, North Carolina’s Krvsade brought the pain through a set of speed based death metal that a lot of people got into. I don’t make as many trips to North Carolina as I used to, but you definitely need to check out Krvsade!!!
Going from death to black metal, my friends in Serpentshrine changed the mood. In a set shortened by time constraints, the band played two unreleased songs and one from their second full length “Allegiance to the Myth”. I hope the crowd enjoyed Serpentshrine as much as I did.
Facebook|InstagramSerpentshrine SETLIST
Satanic Rituals of the Perverse
Transacting the Lunar Zenith (unreleased)
Fathomless Rapture Arcane Relics of a Bygone Era (unreleased)
Going from serious to the ridiculous, Bananaslama came out and did what they do best, be silly!!! The only band I have ever seen live use a bubble machine as part of the show. This is a band you need to see live to truly appreciate their music, listening to them is not enough.
Bananaslama SETLIST
Fecal Assault
Poacher Poacher
Foggy Jungle Breakdown
Fruit Tsunami
My Banana
Of course, Something Dead In The Water would not be complete without the guys who made it happen, it was time to “GET GUTTED” with Gutted Christ!!! Their set consisted of songs mostly off their second full length, Hail and Kill, and surprised the crowd with a song off their upcoming third album. Good Times!!!
Facebook|InstagramGutted Christ SETLIST
Bring out the Gurneys
Foul Play Suspected
Weeping Savior
Straight Fucking Murderous
It has been a minute since I have seen Bound by the Grave live and it is always a pleasure because they bring the heavy!!! A couple of lineup changes since the last time I saw them, but the music and the delivery has not changed. Love throwing down with these guys!!!
Facebook|InstagramBound by the Grave SETLIST
Abuse of the Flesh
Methods of Disposal
Necrotic Contagion
The first time I saw Angel Massacre live was when I covered Carolina Chainsaw Massacre and got to experience the black metal goodness they bring. I was stoked to hear that they made the lineup of SDITW and that Hampton Roads would experience these guys live. They did not disappoint, as they melted faces with their set. I still think it was funny watching them play while people were throwing beach balls and playing with pool toys in the pit. A unique experience.
Facebook|Instagram|TwitterAngel Massacre SETLIST
Infernal Summoning
On the Black Wings of Satan
Worshipped In Vein
Curse of the Athame
Burn the Watchtower
Until I Am No More
Blood of the Fallen Angels
The last time I saw Inoculation was when they were supporting Revocation during the NETHERHEAVEN tour. I am still amazed at how crushing these guys are as a three piece. It was great to see them blow it up again.
I think I speak for a lot of metalheads in Hampton Roads when I say I was floored that Visceral Disgorge would headline SDITW. These are the guys who come to your place, kick you in the nads, take your lunch money and spit in your face!!! They closed out SDITW with a set of crushing death metal spanning both of their full length albums, Ingesting Putridity and Slithering Evisceration. This is the first time I had ever seen Visceral Disgorge live and I hope that it won’t be the last!!!!
Facebook|InstagramVisceral Disgorge SETLIST
Fucked into Oblivion
Saprogenic Deformation
Force Fed Shredded Genitalia
Architects of Warping Flesh
Absorbed by the Swarm
Necrotic Biogenesis
Skull Fucking Neonatal Necrosis

Despite a few hiccups, Something Dead In The Water was a success!!! Special thanks to Riffhouse Pub for hosting the festival as well as Just The Tep Productions, Wargoat Entertainment and the fans for making this happen.
Festival Date: August 12, 2023